Väntar! + lite olika test jag tagit..
Ja då är det snart dags att åka från jobbet...hem å ducha äta nåt å sen åka till nästa jobb fan vad trevligt ;)
Här är några test jag gjort på facebook i dag:
Your heart is pure and your fighting spirit is strong. You fight for justice and what you think is right. You are very gall...ant and agile yet even sometimes strenght has to bow down to wisdom.
You like to spend time in the sun (hense the name :) ) and you like to play about often. Even though... you can be nosey, you have a playful personality which makes people like you and makes them ignore your noseyness. You are always there when it comes to comforting someone close.
Sandra just took the "What would you look like as anime? (girls only)" quiz and the result is Shy.
Ur a cool blood drinking dark creature with a very mysterious past
Komentera jätte gärna....puss å hej lever pastej
Här är några test jag gjort på facebook i dag:
Sandra took the What kind of eyes do you have? quiz and the result is Shy eyes!
You don't really like interacting with people as much as others. A bit unimposing and polite, you tend to skirt people when they stare into your eyes. Your eyes are shy.
you know that life is full of failure and that "In the end all we'll ever have left is...RAGE!" so keep your head up and keep fighting!
Sandra just took the "what's your souls true emotion???" quiz and the result is Rage.
you know that life is full of failure and that "In the end all we'll ever have left is...RAGE!" so keep your head up and keep fighting!
Sandra just took the "What type of fighter are you?" quiz and the result is Paladin.
Your heart is pure and your fighting spirit is strong. You fight for justice and what you think is right. You are very gall...ant and agile yet even sometimes strenght has to bow down to wisdom.
Sandra just took the "What Is Your Fairy Name and Colour?" quiz and the result is Sunshine Daisy - Yellow!.
You like to spend time in the sun (hense the name :) ) and you like to play about often. Even though... you can be nosey, you have a playful personality which makes people like you and makes them ignore your noseyness. You are always there when it comes to comforting someone close.
Sandra just took the "What would you look like as anime? (girls only)" quiz and the result is Shy.
Sandra just took the "Are you made to be a Vampire, Warewolf, Zombie, or Beast?" quiz and the result is Vampire.
Ur a cool blood drinking dark creature with a very mysterious past
Komentera jätte gärna....puss å hej lever pastej